The Art of Lunch Hour

Lemme start by saying I don't draw.

While my travel journals include the occasional "illustration," I only do it so I look more artistic to others from afar. Up close, my "charmingly naive outsider depictions of everyday life" are quickly seen for what they are: "pretty shitty dude."

So as a rule, the only things I draw are the wrong conclusions. (Ba dum dum!)

But today at lunch I saw something on the information superhighway that caught my eye. A piece called "How To Draw A Wave." Holy moly!!!

Long story short, I spent 20 minutes eating a sandwich and drawing a horribly wonky wave. Clearly I wasn't the top student in my one man class.

But it got me thinking about what other stuff I could get done over a lunch hour. It turns out, lots!

Whatcha doing right now? I bet there's time for something extraneous.

Good things come in waves

Good things come in waves

Doing what you love is an easy choice when what you love is lawyering, or doctoring, or marketing. It gets tougher, though, when what you love doesn't quite make sense.

Clark Little has created a life for himself that, on paper at least, doesn't quite make sense. Hell, it doesn't even make remote sense. Clark Little is a professional taker of wave photos.

To be clear, this ain't no hobby. If you google "most badass wave photographer in the world," Clark comes up first.

How did it come to be? Why? 

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